PPC Tournament: Building Round #1 (Read discription NOW)

Uploaded by uberzebragamer
Viewed 1447 times

Hello there, its UberZebra and welcome to (drumroll noise) . . . PPC Tournaments!!!! This Is round one of the tounaments, and It will be me vs. ExtremeLunaticAdam, so here is the rule, ExtremeLunaticAdam and I will have to find a design and build it, and the design we will make is (drumroll noise) . . . "Sky Block". He will send a picture of wat he made with his mini and send it to my e-mail to me. So ExtremeLunaticAdam. . . if ur reading this u will have to make a "Sky Block" model. (Note: It needs to be mini or else ur disqualed :P ) Ready, Set, Go Go Go!!!!!

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