Lead creeper (Pixelpapercraft Unofficial mod)

Uploaded by aneliomo
Viewed 3295 times
Yep, this mod is made by me link to it: http://mcreator.pylo.si/modification/5641/pixelpapercraft-unofficial-mod The lead creeper is like a noramil creeper, but it drops lead, and yep, explote...and when struct by lighting something rare spawn... Credits to Gootube for the creeper generator.

If you want to be in the mod: 1.Email your skin file to nkbrown

  1. have pacience, i have many request to do.

If you dont have an email, comment here, and put a donwload link to your skin, and put how do you wanna be named in the mod and armor, weapons you want to use.



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2.Make sure it has not been resized by your browser (you might need to click the image again).

3.Print using your browser's Print function.

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