The Criminal's Case!

Uploaded by maomuke
Viewed 8086 times

Turn your Papercraft figure into a criminal with this "epic" set of gear! Featuring a balisong (butterfly knife), foldable balaclava, a pair of gloves, and a foldable gym bag, this set will have most of the pure basics covered for your people. You can fold the balaclava up (shown in last few pictures) and put it and the balisong in the bag! The gloves, however, do not fit; so you cannot close the bag with them inside.

Sorry that I didn't get to upload this sooner, my computer has been broken. I fixed it now and I can finally upload papercrafts again! Talk about timing too - "the challenge" was coming to an end and that's when my computer decided to kill itself.

Some stats:

Difficulty: Easy

Time: about 20 mins tops

Tips: Use an exacto knife for the cutouts on the balaclava! You don't want to puncture them wrong with scissors.

Sorry about the abundant whiteness of the paper where my folds are, my printer prints with wax that rubs off very easily.



How to Print?

1.Click on the papercraft design image.

2.Make sure it has not been resized by your browser (you might need to click the image again).

3.Print using your browser's Print function.

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