Crone's Dome TF2

Uploaded by topspin222
Viewed 5642 times

The Crone's Dome is a hat in TF2 for all classes. The item's description is: For hundreds of years, women have enjoyed all the perks of being a witch (making potions, having warts, getting burned alive) while men stood on the sidelines. No longer! Break through that haunted glass ceiling with the Crone's Dome. I currently own this item in TF2, and while it is not up for trade, I would certainly be okey with considering if you have another thing in mind. If you want to try to work out a deal, just give me your steam. For this hat, I would suggest taking 1 or 2 layers off the top of the papercraft character's head, to make it look more natural. And as always, if you have requests, feel free to send them to me. I will always consider.


Note: I'm pretty sure I got the Pethagorean theorum correct for the angled areas, however, if they don't work for you, let me know and I will try to fix them.

Difficulty: 4/10



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