Super Horror Mario

Creative Design
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Thanks >Null_18_24< for the photos

Super Horror Mario, aka Horror Mario or simply M (according to the trailer), is the main antagonist of the mod, Mario's Madness. While his original counterpart originates from an art piece on DeviantArt made by Shadow-Shana, this one appears to be an amalgam between the aforementioned design and CoolRash's Mario.EXE.

In Mario's Madness, Horror Mario was an expert in the video game market and partnered with Dearest in the 90s. When Dearest made a lot of money, he betrayed Horror Mario and locked him in a Super Mario Bros. cartridge. After 30 years trapped, Horror Mario discovered the Dearest's family, especially his daughter and son-in-law, and he went to get revenge on Dearest through them by locking them in his world of madness. He is the main opponent of the songs It's-A-Me, Starman Slaughter, and All-Stars.

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