Description: The Lesser Wisp is a returning floating mask monster in Risk of Rain 2 that is propelled by fire. It is part of the Wisp monster family. -
Difficulty: Easy
Notes: RISK OF RAIN 2 STUFF IS HERE!!! YAY!!! RoR2 is my favorite game, so I was mad about the fact that there was nothing from it on here. So, I decided to make some stuff! I have a bunch of designs that I want to put here at some point, but they need to be edited a lot so it could be a long time.
Why print the one in the description: For some reason my computer makes pngs and jpegs super blurry when I download them, I've tried everything to make them not do that, but it didn't work. The only way I've been able to get a clear design is to make a it a pdf, which isn't accepted as a design file, so I had to link the file here.
Ok. That's all. Bye.
How to Print?
1.Click on the papercraft design image.
2.Make sure it has not been resized by your browser (you might need to click the image again).
3.Print using your browser's Print function.