Tiny diorama collection No. 5: Boiling away

Uploaded by raffytheinventor
Viewed 3056 times

This diorama was a suggestion by: papersteve

Tiny diorama collection No. 5: Boiling away, is the fifth part of my series tiny diorama collection, where you see a minecraft players journey through the world minecraft. in this one the player has left the jungle (which you can see in the corner) and entered a nearby desert.

Difficulty level: 3/5 (intermediate level)

pages: 2

time to make: aprox 3 hours

width: 9 by 9cm (3.5 by 3.5 inch)

height: 5cm (about 2 inch)

note: i changed the lettering system AGAIN this time if there is a circle around the letter and NO arrow then you can glue it in any direction you want.

i hope you like it! (especially you papersteve!) if you wan't a diorama then just leave a comment! see you next timeeeeee!



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1.Click on the papercraft design image.

2.Make sure it has not been resized by your browser (you might need to click the image again).

3.Print using your browser's Print function.

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