Netherite Block

Uploaded by craftsmither
Created 08 Oct 2023
Viewed 2577 times

This is easily the best way to flex your money in Minecraft (I mean, if you see a player with a full netherite beacon, they probably stay up till 3 am playing Minecraft). Netherite blocks are crafted from 9 Netherite Ingots (in case you didn't know), and they are extremely hard to obtain. A single netherite ingot is crafted from 4 gold ingots and 4 netherite scrap, which you get from 4 ancient debris ore. 4 times 9 is 36, so you need 36 gold ingots and 36 ancient debris just to get one netherite block. A full beacon requires 162 blocks, and if you need 36 gold and ancient debris for one netherite block, a full netherite beacon will cost you 5904 gold ingots and ancient debris (around 3 and a half shulker boxes full of both gold and ancient debris). Considering you've got the gold covered, just mining the ancient debris will take you about 200 hours of non-stop gaming. (there's no way I'm putting in that much effort)

Now, you might be wondering, what makes netherite so useful? Well, if you ever tried to create a bomb-proof piston door, you'll quickly realise that it's impossible with obsidian because they can't be pushed nor pulled by pistons. This is where Netherite Blocks come in. They have the same hardness and blast resistance as obsidian, but they're pushable (and they also make a cool sound when you place them down).

I mean alternatively, you could always use an ancient debris block and cost yourself 18x less resources, but they don't look as intimidating. Anyways, enjoy this template!

Credits: I got the textures from the Pixel Papercraft Block Generator:

More info on Netherite:



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