Chuchu - Breath of the Wild

Uploaded by basildemflint
Viewed 1468 times

Chuchus appear around Hyrule in the Great Plateau. Standard Chuchus are blue, and drop Chuchu Jelly when defeated. However, when standard Chuchus are defeated by an elemental attack, such as elemental weapons, elemental arrows, or environmental damage such as fire, they will drop Yellow Chuchu Jelly, Red Chuchu Jelly, or White Chuchu Jelly, depending on the element used to kill it. In addition to the regular Chuchus, larger versions of each variation can be found as well. They which can withstand more attacks from Link, but will drop more of their corresponding Chuchu Jelly upon being defeated.

Three additional variants of Chuchu appear, known as Fire Chuchus, Ice Chuchus, and Electric Chuchus. These variants can either be found in areas where they can appear naturally, or they can be summoned by their respective elemental Wizzrobe, and they will inflict their respective elemental effect on touching Link (burning for Fire Chuchus, freezing for Ice Chuchus and electrocution for Electric Chuchus), and release blasts of their respective element when attacking. A similar, larger blast is also triggered when the Chuchu is killed. After releasing these blasts, elemental Chuchus enter a "powered-down" state, marked by darker and duller colors; in this form, they lack their elemental coatings and thus cannot burn, freeze or shock Link on contact, and additionally cannot release further blasts either as an attack or when killed. After a few seconds, a powered-down Chuchu will restore its coating and abilities if it isn't defeated quickly enough.



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