Mini Daleks

Uploaded by oofman64
Viewed 85 times

Exterminate! Mini-fied daleks! Textures taken from the dalek generator and turned into minis. List of all of them:

60's Dalek, 80's Dalek, Red Dalek, Yellow Dalek, Gold Dalek, Gold Entity Dalek, Black Entity Dalek, Blue Entity Dalek, Red Entity Dalek, Ender Dalek, Classic Supreme Dalek, Invasion Dalek, Ironside Dalek, Marine Dalek, Pilot Dalek, Renegade Dalek, Scientist Dalek, Stone Dalek, Strategist Dalek, Suicide Dalek.

This took me over 4 hours -_- I hope this gets accepted (If it does thank you) This is my first design!



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