Cool games! Info inside!!!

Uploaded by meshach
Viewed 3305 times

Game 1, flick away: I found out that if you flick a paper craft ( especially minis!) they fly REALLY far, and it seems to me to be a lot of fun! Set up some targets ( paper craft targets do best ) and see which one you hit. Do one close to your paper crafts, one further away, and one really far. The player to get the most near the furthest target wins!

Game 2, high jump: Get a spring, or make something like a launch pad, and put your paper craft on it. Also, get some different sized boxes, and put them in front of the spring. Start with small. Then, hold down on the spring, and let go! See if your paper craft makes it over! After, ( if you make it!) get a bigger box and repeat. The first person to NOT make it over loses!

Game 3, Swimming with the Steves: Grab a small box, and cut it put and make it into a boat. Then, put your paper craft ( choose wisely ) on the boat, and sail away! The water could be at a lake, or a big box filled with water. First person to make it to the end wins! Also, if your boat sinks, then you lose.

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