Uploaded by creeperhunter5
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YAY 300 FOLLOWERS!! To celebrate what about if frownieman,Endercreeper,and me host one at PLAY.MONTYCRAFT.COM!!!! yes we are hosting a livesrteam there and we invite all of you to join us :D the time will be 4:30(4:50 the latest) on this Friday(The east cost time) We all want you to be there so when you join you'll go to /plot h MinerCreeper6 to see you're entry :D The guests of honor will be Jojesper,Mazo,Nkbrown,and KewlMeh but you ask KewlMeh doesnt have a Minecraft account sooooooooooooooooo (implicates to all who dont have Minecraft)I will be hosting a Join Me session!!!on the date above you will have to go here>http://hypercreeper6.deviantart.com/ and see the journal :D so now we celebrate 300 followers and my 1 year birthday about me knowing Pixel Papercraft :D BE THERE!!

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