Emperor's Arrival (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)

Uploaded by maki
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A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away….

Maki decided to come up with the design of the Emperor's shuttle, seen in Star Wars, Return of the Jedi. The piece stands on A4 paper and took me a month to make all the pieces. The design will be uploaded in the near future.

The set consists of exactly 220 pieces and includes the following characters: 60 clones, 6 red guards, Lord Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Maul. Emperor's shuttle is made of 97 pieces. There are some extra pieces I had to make for the setup of my scene. The pillars on the back walls and the Gates. That is 54 pieces, one is a sneaky little creeper hidden somewhere. So all together the scene contains 274 tiny pieces.

The project is as well dedicated to the upcoming release of the new Star Wars movie.

You can view some more of my setup for the actual photography here:

Click for Dropbox folder to scene in development pictures

Here is the GIF that generates 3D effect on the scene :)

Click for 3D Gif

I'm soon going to accept donations towards some better lights and proffesional camera, as well as I hope that some people would order some of my creations, back me up financially, on my projects, so I'd feel more rewarded and motivated for even bigger projects. Death Star anyone, haha? :)

This is the 3rd piece of my papercraft series: ''Famous movie scenes'', 2 more are going to be made, so you are welcome to suggest a famous movie scene in the comments below.

Papercraft series: "Famous movie scenes": Star Wars: Return of the Jedi; Arrival of the Emperor: © Maki 2015

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