Are you ready for Freddy?

Uploaded by wertyofminecraft
Viewed 3031 times

Congratulations! As a community you have joined together to make this goal possible! A you can see, this model of Freddy Fazbear is fully articulated. He has two four fingered hands and has a head that has a moving jaw, wiggleable ears, working eyelids, working eyebrows, a removable hat, and the whole head is removable so you can see the enddo skeleton. I put a total of twelve hours of my life into this thing, so i hope you enjoyed it! This adventure was a fun little thing, and i am humbled that people actually like the random stuff i do in my spare time. Be expecting more from me, because this is just a little bit of what I can do with my amazing brain and my wizard hands. Thanks for all the likes and support through all this. and with that note, I will talk to you later. See ya!

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