FLATCRAFT END DESIGN!!!!!!!! (Halfway done) Read description

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I have a general idea of how this will work. The ender dragon will be controlled by another person, and has to fly for three turns before swooping. The player can try to shoot at the dragon (refer to the skeleton rules on the original flat craft) while it is in air. Then when it swoops, 1 to 2 is a direct hit for the player 1 heart lost, 3 to 5 is a stalemate a hit on the dragon but two hearts lost, and six is knocked into the air lose three hearts. If you die, well... Every five turns, your hunger goes down one notch. it takes six 'hits' to fell the mighty beast. Killing an enderman is the same as any mob, and replenishes one hunger point and you get an ender pearl, which you can use to move three spaces in one turn, or to get up to a pillar and destroy it with a sword. If the ender dragon is flying within one space of the pillar for three turns, one 'hit' is healed. After that it has to go over to another pillar to be healed. your character has to be within one space of a pillar to shoot it and deactivate it. when all of the pillars are deactivated, the ender dragon can no longer heal.

Whew! there we go! if you have any suggestions, please tell me. the website tells me that I can no longer post any pdfs on the website. If we could get a fan-revolution, that would be GREAT. I really want to share this with you, so if you want it for now, just tell me your email and I will send it to you. without further ado, here it is!

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