
Uploaded by turtlecrafter101
Viewed 2873 times

Hello everyone! its been a great while since i've posted, and i actually have a lot of photos packed up and ready to be posted, but not all at once. i just hit 3000 comments, and 74 followers today :D thanks guys for the follows, and thanks for conversations and all, but what i bring you today is something awesome! my first design. a lot of people said they were going to do this, i searched it, and nothing came up. so, i decided to make it myself. at first it was for personal use, but then, i decided to post it. Mainly because it'll be featured in my future photos and whatnot. anyways, lets get to the point. i need HELP!

i don't know how to crop white space in paint.NET while also keeping the same size! please help me everyone..!!!

well anyways, here is the design i made.. well the photo. i hope you do like it and someone will be able to help :D

EDIT: thank you so much Noah_Bot!!! i'll get right to it, and then i'll make it again to make sure its proper, and the first one came out..... uh.. yeah. thanks! :D


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