Competition Entry

Uploaded by weirdude21
Viewed 1662 times

Hallo, this is my competition entry, I guess as you can tell. This was the best I could do because my camera doesn't like me and doesn't want to do things how I want to. So sorry for it not being as good as it could be. Anyways this is related to Halloween because of the creepiness factor. Now you might be asking yourself,"Why is this creepy?" Well I am about to tell you a little story. So as you can tell its Joker (from the Suicide Squad Movie coming out in 2016)[So Hyped!!] and he's talking to as you can tell "a" Robin. Now for you uneducated people who are wondering why there is "Robins", glad you asked yourself. The first Robin. Dick Grayson, is not the Robin anymore. He decided to become a single superhero, Nightwing. (My favorite character in the entire DCU.) Well Batman went without a partner for a year and then he decided he would go find a new Robin. Yeah, thats right. A. NEW. ROBIN. Now who else can replace the best Robin, the orignal? Well at this point Jason Todd. His family was in poverty and his dad divorced his mom and she is not in the best of her times. So Jason has to steal from people to get the money to feed him and his mom. One day Batman found him trying to steal the wheels off the Batmobile and he almost succeeded. But Batman is Batman, and he doesn't like when people takes his things. So he was about to send him off to Juvenile Detention Center. But before that happened, Batman saw something in Jason. He saw a Robin. So Batman ended up training Jason and he became the new robin. But to pay respects to old robin he had a new costume that was red. And that was the start of Batman and Jason, Bruce and Todd, The Robin and Wayne. you get the idea. Anyway Jason became a little too violent for Batman "circumstances." *COUGH *COUGH THEY ARE PROBABLY REALLY *COUGH HIGH BECAUSE YOU PUSH BAD GUYS OFF *COUGH BUILDINGS IN *COUGH *HACK ARKHAM *WHEEZE CITY *COUGH. Anyway one day, Jason found out his mother was being kept in an old abandoned army base, little did he know, it was a trap set by the Joker! What a fiendish thing to do Joker! Why? Why Jason. Unfortunately my dear. dear listeners. This is where the story ends. What the Joker is whispering in Jason's ear is, OH, I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just gonna hurt you really, really bad." The Joker ends up beating Jason. But not killing him. But he sends a bomb off instantly killing Jason and his mother. Batman didn't make it in time... And that's the end of this story folks. If you want more leave a like and next week I'll have another one! Put in the comments below if you want me to continue this story or do another one! Good Luck on the competition everybody! Piece!

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