I challenge to the people in papercraft.

Uploaded by ryanuhm
Viewed 1483 times

I am ryanuhm. I will make a story about fighting. If you want to fight, upload your mini skin character and said "I challenge to you, ryanuhm". If you want to fight, but not want to make your skin, just leave a comment that 'I challenge to you, ryanuhm'. But if you upload your mini character photo and write your minecraft nickname, the percent that you win is go up. *1. If your want to fight me by papercraft, upload your mini character or leave a comment that 'I challenge to you, ryanuhm.' 2. write your minecraft nickname! 3. I will check the comment and the lastest photo and I will make your character. 4. I will make a story and take a picture and upload it. 5. I will make a story very fairfully!!!! 6. Good luck.

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