I came back!

Uploaded by atom256
Viewed 5459 times
Hey, I came back! All time since my last upload I fond of web-programming, and today I want make my own panorama, or another papercraft! But there is a problem - I don't have any ideas for papercrafting! Help me! There is some my ideas, but I afraid, what you do not like this!
  1. Annex for mini-house - workshop with normal workbench(not from minecraft, I want add circular saw, tools, vise...)
  2. Contuinue my series of MineTrains - add new cars, locomotives, make stantion...
I'm need your ideas! I will choose best idea and make it with credits to autor! On the foto are my unhappy papercrafts(( P.S On the photo hide unaploaded papercraft! Find it, and i will upload papercraft! It's name begin on F......

With love - Atom256!

(HTML tags works! I knew it, knew it) :D

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