All of my Papercrafts

Uploaded by evanrevan79
Viewed 1273 times

HELLO! These are all of the papercrafts that I have made so far. Please like! Thank you!

A small note: I try base all of my papercraft a certain size so that they will all work together. Most of these went through specific changes in their design size so that all of the normal-sized papercraft fit on one page and fit in with real minecraft size compared to the others. Here is the basis that I use:

Normal/mini head: 3/4 in. on each side. This goes for mini heads too. Mini blocks: Normal mini blocks are 3/4 in. on each side. Normal blocks: A normal block is usually 1 1/2 in. on one side. Minecraft Pixel: 3/32 in. This is rarely used and is used only for the most specific papercrafts.

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