Admin/mods: help me out!

Uploaded by papercraftguy
Viewed 1110 times

Hey everyone! While working on my mini house/mini Steve (shown in the photo, credits to Lostminer/Jojesper/Atom256 for the designs), I had an idea for a "help page" type post for people new to pixel papercraft. I thought that if they needed help to navigate the site, or any other concerns they might have, then I could answer their questions. But then I realized: 'There's no way that I can answer all the questions! What if they need to know if the design is legitimate before uploading? I know: I'll collect a team of at least 5 Mods/Admin! They can help!' Should I upload the post? Would you like to help out? Then comment! Tell me if it's a good idea or a bad one!

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