PaperQuotes #1

Uploaded by scrillrock
Viewed 3026 times

Hey everyone!

As you have maybe noticed by now this is my first photo post on the site.

This is isn't actually the type of photos that people upload here, but I thought uploading something different than just some papercrafts posed like they do something would add a little bit of color to the photos section on PPC.

If you're still reading this you're a hero XD

PaperQuotes is going to be a series of photos of my minis doing their everyday activities, edited with a real Minecraft background and an inspirational quote connected with the photographed scene in some way.

Of course I'm going to post regular photos at times, although I've thought about comics, but only if these succeed. I'm not stopping with Mini designs but when I don't have much time for a design, I'm gonna post a photo.

Also, a set of two awesome minis I've been working on and a new video are up to get released.

Phew, that was a long description, but I really wanted you guys to understand what that is.

Thank you peeps and as always - Have an inspired by this photo papercrafty day! =D

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