Uploaded by kolepek
Viewed 1504 times

in Poland ( im from Poland ) 02.05 we have "Święto Flagi" and i upload this photo. I TRIED TO DO THIS PAPERCRAFT GOOD. you happy? here is Poland dream XD https://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/4901903840/POLAND-DREAM , Poland CH ( country human ) https://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/4337803225/Poland-CH polish villager :D https://pl.namemc.com/skin/2d99bb5201b34e49 , RoxMB https://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/5558554026311680/roxmb , dealereq https://pl.namemc.com/skin/4edcddef4568fbda , pan śmietanka https://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/4688633036/Pan-%C5%9Bmietanka , żelazny https://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/4808395694/%C5%BCelazny-pl , doknes https://pl.namemc.com/skin/1fea56a698bb55ab and TobiaszGaming https://pl.namemc.com/skin/594039f206b8b8e5 . all from generators. and i want to start new photo series: herobrine hunters, this will be a story. EDIT sorry it's 09.05 when im writing that edit but photo is upside down or something XD. btw next photo will be something for BS fans :D

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