Project Mini Village Post#1

Uploaded by kcorb11
Viewed 2856 times

basically I'm starting a big project where I create every structure from aa oak village in mini form and make my own village irl! I'm not sure if anyone will ever use these templates i make, but I am designing them so that it saves on ink in places where you wont see anything. for example, on the normal houses you can remove the roof if you want. but where the roof lays on the house there is only a small outline of what would technically be there. hopefully I can get some feed back too see if it is worth doing or just leave it.

anyways, This is going to be a long journey that I know I will take a long time. I am thinking of doing a tick tock series or something to document my progress, any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated! current timeline

  • Make timeline, kind of a joke rn, but I do want to make a timeline to give myself goals, and progress check points.
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